Spring is around the corner and I can't wait to get back out camping! Anyone else got camping fever?
Ranger Sarah climbs up the Coronado Trail.
— at Coronado National Memorial. Arizona
Ranger Sarah looks back at her route to Montezuma Pass. Down at the bottom somewhere is the visitor center.
— at Coronado National Memorial.
Ranger Sarah reads about The Coronado Expedition in t he San Pedro Valley.
— at Coronado National Memorial.
Ranger Sarah at the Coronado National Forest sign located on Montezuma Pass.
— at Coronado National Memorial.
Ranger Sarah is at the 6575 ft Monezuma Pass. Ranger Sarah plans on hiking the Coronado Trail to the Joe's Canyon Trail, following it to the Yaqui Ridge Trail the down to the US/Mexico Border. This hike is part of the Arizona Trail, and it will take Ranger Sarah to the terminus at the US/Mexico border and International Boundary Marker 102. It will be a 4 mile round trip.
—Coronado National Memorial.
Ranger Sarah has arrived in Coronado National Memorial in Southern Arizona.
Ranger Sarah stops at Las Cienegas National Conservation Area. She is dispersed camping for the night. A big shout out to BLM and Local fire crews for putting out the wildfire just before Ranger Sarah arrived. After talking with fire crews and BLM Law Enforcement, Ranger Sarah was cleared to camp in the area. Ranger Sarah discovered as she was driving to her next location that the fire started at a spot along the main highway.
5 years ago.
I found this cool, lean-to survival shelter, while out on a day hike around some #Wsanec forests. It was an unexpected find. Not really suited for a really big person - I'm under 5' & had to stoop a bit to walk into it.
Ranger Sarah at the front of the church. The front of the church was originally painted with bright colors. The columns were painted red and the Egyptian-style capitals yellow with black markings. The statue niches were blue.
—Tumacácori NHP
Ranger Sarah gets her first view of the Mission Church at Tumacacori.
— at Tumacácori National Historical Park, Arizona
Ranger Sarah learns about the finding of pure silver near Tumacocori and how Arizona got its name. Arizona "The Good Oak". In Basque Arizona breaks down to ariz=Oak Tree, on=Good, a=the.
— at Tumacácori National Historical Park.
Ranger Sarah has arrived at Tumacocori National Historical Park in Arizona.
Ranger Sarah Takes in the view from the end of the Calloway Trail at Picacho Peak State Park. The Butterfield Overland Mail route had a stop near Picacho Peak.
— at Picacho Peak State Park, AZ.
Ranger Sarah nears the end of the Calloway Trail at Picacho Peak State Park. On April 15, 1862, Confederate and Union scouting parties met in the Battle of Picacho Pass during the Civil War. This was the largest Civil War clash to take place in Arizona.
— at Picacho Peak State Park.
Ranger Sarah hikes towards a very tall Saguaro as she hikes the Calloway Trail.
— at Picacho Peak State Park, Arizona.
Ranger Sarah looks at Picacho Peak. Picacho means peak in spanish, which means Picacho Peak translates to "Peak Peak".
— at Picacho Peak State Park, Arizona
Ranger Sarah passes by another trail junction. Picacho Peak is the peak behind the sign.
— at Picacho Peak State Park, Arizona.