A “Swiss-type” post-Brexit arrangement with the European Union for the United Kingdom?
Correct. Nobody in the #EU likes the #Swiss arrangements. But Switzerland is a LAND island surrounded by EU countries, so big efforts were probably the only way to ease relations.
That's not the case for an "offshore" like the UK.
In any case, I never heard #Brexiters mention Switzerland during the Ref campaign. They promised #SingleMarket, #CustomsUnion, #Norway... nothing like what they delivered.
We must aim to #RejoinEU as soon as possible.
We need a new govt.
@Marverde @davidallengreen No one is mentioning that it’s around £3.80 for a loaf of bread in Switzerland. It’s very expensive. They have to import most of their foodstuffs too, so this ‘should’ be a point of learning for people, but I expect it probably won’t.
We had a great deal from the EU before Brexit, the media just didn’t want us to know that.