@BenHoare plenty of propaganda in US, too, about heat pump efficiency in US Midwest where winter cold is as low as Nordic countries. Biden administration’s Infrastructure legislation (the replacement for a more thorough Green New Deal), however, includes rebates for heat pumps to encourage them throughout the country. #heatpumps #fossilfuel #GreenNewDeal #Biden #oil #capitalism #propaganda
@BenHoare We purchased the #heatpump for the studio after PNW heat dome and subsequent fires of 2021, replacing the studio furnace and providing AC when we must close the windows, once our ventilation and cooling system, because of wildfire smoke. Too early for federal rebate, we were also too early to purchase a #chlorofluorocarbon free system because those were prioritized for EU by Mitsubishi. In 2015, we installed a #naturalgas furnace; hope to install a CFC free heatpump.