Greater Manchester police issue a dispersal order then throw people onto random trains to other parts of the country.
Only problem was some of the people were only 13 years old, didn't know where they were going and apparently were selected as being part of the traveller community.
There are issues about child endangerment and discrimination against certain ethnic groups. I'm very uncomfortable about this story.
@X31Andy those cops are bastards. @quixoticgeek
@X31Andy What is the Traveller Community?
@X31Andy GMP have always been pricks. #FuckThePolice Whatever happened to those Manchester Police Officers that beat the shit out of those non-white passengers at the Manchester Airport too?
Manchester Police seems to have some really serious problems.
Not living in that nation, I was just wondering what the criminal charges would be for an adult person (who is not a PIG) who forces a minor on to a train and puts them in danger...?
@X31Andy I guess Manchester doesn't want visitors. After all, who would want to visit someplace with this kind of racist policing?
I'll be letting the mayor's office know I'm not setting foot in the place until they apologise and address the racism in the GMP
@X31Andy in addition to the frankly obvious racism, I keep getting upset about the police statement saying this is to protect visitors and market patrons when these kids *were visiting Manchester to go to our famous Christmas Markets*
The only "crime" seems to be "being a number of teenagers out shopping w/o obvious adult supervision" which is NOT illegal or even unusual
@X31Andy there is a difference between ordering people to leave the city and forcing children onto a train , not knowing where its going. hope the parents sue the police for the trama caused to their daughter
@X31Andy I can't help but wionder what would have happened if someone had been on the trains checking tickets?
Would these people have received fines for not having tickets?