ZeroAvia’s largest hydrogen plane successfully completes test flight
This test flight is a significant step toward zero-emission passenger flight.
ZeroAvia conducted a test flight of its Dornier 228 testbed #hydrogen plane #aircraft on January 19, 2023, making #aviation history with its successful completion of the #LowEmission flight test.
The aircraft’s leftside propeller is powered by a hydrogen #electric powertrain. (Hydrogen Fuel News) #energy
@Andy_Scollick hydrogen is a fossil fuel wet pipe dream & a massive waste of resources.
@TransitBiker Not if it is generated by electrolysis driven by renewables-based electricity it isn't. Good luck with powering future-generation passenger and cargo aircraft with wind power
@Andy_Scollick @TransitBiker Given hydrogen’s challenges, wouldn’t it be better to pursue zero-net-carbon synthetic hydrocarbon fuels instead?
@michaelgemar @TransitBiker That's a good question. Others are more qualified to give you a clear answer than I. However, from a broad security (not just energy security) perspective, I would argue that diversity - where it can be introduced - is a good thing. If we over-rely on hydrogen or any particular synthetic HC alternative, we will end up introducing vulnerabilities. Better to spread the sources, load, supply chains etc. (and preferably no nuclear fission: expensive and dangerous).