Absolutely shocking. Even though we already know it's bad, to see such figures is gut-wrenching. In a global era of rising Russian and Chinese aggression as well as climate catastrophe, we need a @DefenceForces some 75,000 strong. #Ireland https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/more-5500-personnel-quit-defence-30505176
@Andy_Scollick They are shocking figures. Add in the degradation of the Reserve Forces that have been allowed to wither to near non-relevance & it is finally clear for all to see how (in)capable the Dept of Defence are in advocating, managing & delivering for our Nation's Defence & Security over decades now. Let Dept of Justice & Gards take even more of External Security role at this stage!! LOA2 me arse. #AbjectFailure #NoDefence #Defenceless #DefenceForces #Ireland #CDSP #PfP
@mickmeally One day, we (Ireland) are going to find ourselves in a situation when we need the Defence Forces, e.g. a massive concurrent (heatwave, wildfire, flooding) disaster here or across Europe and/or a Russia-NATO war and/or UN/EU demands for tens of thousands of peacekeepers to protect climate refugees in MENA - and we will regret our neglect of the Defence Forces and Civil Defence. The lack of government and civil service strategic foresight is unacceptable. Yes, #AbjectFailure #Ireland.