Back home after this brilliant, transformative #Anthropology and #Degrowth workshop at the #LSE. Thank you @gabi_cabana @lucia_musu and @lorenzovelotti
for putting it on . So many young, wonderful anthropologists actively helping build the “Tapestry of Alternatives” #RegenerativeAnthropology
The #TapestryOfAlternatives is this actual existing, fantastic project I learned about at the workshop, but I was using it just now in the wider sense of people joining up and building #Transition networks across the world. I see #Mastodon and the #Fediverse very much part of this - thinking of all the wonderful people i met here quietly living alternatives, possibilities #Permaculture #Degrowth #SolarPunk #Indigenous
A real highlight at yesterday's #Anthropology and #Degrowth workshop was a presentation by three brilliant #Barcelona MA students, on the #CommonGrounds project they launched. It maps and links together #CommunityFarming #Permaculture
#RegenerativeFarming projects across Europe
Please check it out and share, it's a really great #Commoning project
@RadicalAnthro @nathan_oxley @natureworks @AgroecologyMap @permagriculture
Here is a film they showed, a compilation of interviews with different #Community farmers across Europe. There is so much insight and wisdom in this. Perhaps my favourite was this, by a French farmer:
"For a community farm to succeed, it has to have roots, and it has to have wings"
Please share! #Commoning #landleben #Farming #Permaculture #AgroEcology #CommonGrounds
And now so happy to discover you are all on here, @gabi_cabana , @lucia_musu and @lorenzovelotti
I do think #Mastodon lends itself to #Commoning #Degrowth and to building a #TapestryOfAlternatives
I just posted the #CommonGrounds project and video , really hope it will take off a bit here too
@gabi_cabana @lucia_musu @pvonhellermannn @lorenzovelotti oh this looks great! Thank you for sharing!