Come find and rescue Santa with Petrella before it's too late!
#Christmas #advent #christmasmarket #adventcalendar #mulledwine #elf #cookies #santaclaus #southpole #northpole #arctica #antarctica #pancakes #chile #penguins #twins #christinemunroe #writing #reading #books #authors #shortstory #fantasy #selfpublishing #whathashappenedtosantaclaus
And now it's time for our Christmas theme
Compose a song imagining Santa's snowy adventures at the North Pole.
Norad crew waiting for Santa to fly over Canada as annual holiday track underway
Departing from the North Pole while we were all sleeping, Santa Claus' journey around the world bringing presents and Christmas cheer for all of the good boys and girls who believe is underway.
#holiday #Christmas #Canada #NorthPole
Polar Express brings magic to Aspen Crossing
Families enjoyed the magic of the Polar Express on a heritage train ride at Aspen Crossing in Mossleigh. The ride takes them to the "North Pole" to meet Santa.
#magic #family #train #holiday #AspenCrossing #Mossleigh #NorthPole #Canada #Christmas
The ice at Santa's workshop is thinning away... #NorthPole
Check out my blog from November 2022 for more on this graphic:
It’s Official: The North Pole is Moving #magneticnorth #NorthPole #News #noaa #bgs #wmm
Do not let the #PenguinNorthPoleInvasion go unchallenged! Resist penguins in any and all Christmas decorations! Help the real Santa #KeepChristmasPenguinFree!
#Christmas #NorthPole
The Magnetic North Pole Has Officially Changed Position : ScienceAlert
Polar bear at the North Pole? Yes!
Reindeer at the North Pole? Yes!
Arctic Hare at the North Pole? Yes!
Penguin at the North Pole? NO!