Jennifer Jacquet onderzocht hoe de lobbytactieken van de olie- en gasindustrie overeen komen met die van de vlees- en zuivelindustrie.
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Filmvertoning: Food for Profit in #filmhuis #KINO, #Rotterdam, georganiseerd door #PvdD #ZuidHolland:
Woensdag 19 maart een exclusieve vertoning van #FoodforProfit – een #documentaire over hoe de #vleesindustrie, machtige lobby’s en Europese #subsidies samenkomen ten koste van #dieren, #natuur en #gezondheid.
Neem gerust een introducé mee. Vermeld dit bij je aanmelding:
Beelden in de docu kunnen als schokkend worden ervaren.
"Over the years, #Musk and his #businesses have received at least $38 billion in government contracts, loans, #subsidies and tax credits, often at critical moments, a Washington Post analysis has found, helping seed the growth that has made him the world’s richest person.
The payments stretch back 20 years. Shortly after becoming #CEO of a cash strapped #Tesla in 2008, Musk fought hard to secure a low-interest loan from the #EnergyDepartment."
"Unless the public pushes back, Canadian politicians may soon commit billions more in public subsidies to an already highly subsidized fossil fuel sector with little hope of reclaiming their investment.
Intimidating Canadians into committing tens of billions of dollars to fund fossil fuel projects that have little hope of ever paying for themselves or turning a profit, may do more to destroy Canada’s economy than tariffs alone."
(2/2) And there is little on CAP reform, beyond reiterating old, unrealised proposals. Although the direct payment system, which accounts for 75% of #funding, disproportionately benefits large-scale #farms, there are no concrete changes outlined: #subsidies
Local generation, storage & management of solar power is the way to go. State governments & local councils could be leading this.
Until then - why not use a wholesale provider like #Amber? Customers pay a monthly connection fee plus a subscription fee of $19, then buy & sell power at market rates. Households with solar systems have their output curtailed when feed in tariffs are negative (as happens often), export solar power when prices are positive, & if they choose to, export from battery when prices are high. You can allow the system to automate the process or you can control it yourself. This is cost effective for households that have a battery, although those with panels only may see no financial benefit compared to standard retail plans (it’s very difficult to compare relative costs of a curtailed system with those from the same system operating without curtailment, so wholesale plans don’t appear on cost comparison sites). For households with no solar, if you’re able to shift most of your usage to times when there’s lots of solar in the grid, costs are Way Way Cheaper. We did this before we had solar installed & the difference was Huge. If you need to cook dinner every evening or like to heat your house a lot, savings are not so much.
Whatever our situation, buying electricity #wholesale makes it immediately easy to see where our power is coming from & to make informed choices. It allow allows us to support the grid, & our neighbours.
#Subsidies to support households installing #batteries to back up new or existing systems, along with investment in local area generation & storage, would lower power costs for everyone while protecting the grid.
Why are we not doing this? Anyone?
Whose interests are served by keeping debate focused elsewhere?
#YeahRight #politics #policy #power #solar #electricity #CostOfLiving #AusPol
After laying off thousands of employees (8% of #JPL's workforce) under the #Biden administration and putting on hold the #MSR mission, while favoring "space economy" (a euphemism for subsidizing the space industry) and calling upside-down moon landings and half baked private missions a "success", now
#NASA is being audited by their contractor #Musk and his DOGE team.
As conflicted as this may sound, that's today's reality in #USpol
Foreign countries have been subsidizing the United States for at least 100 years with public (and private) education.
To the tune of the cost to educate hundreds of thousands of students every single year.
Every adult immigrant has saved the US that money.
Including undocumented migrants.
See also, brain drain.
[No discussion of years of schooling, etc, thx.]
"[...] the scheme was set up [with] possible involvement of state authorities, in particular people working at the organization responsible for overseeing the distribution of the money"
"In March 2024, the EU fined Greece €283 million for mismanagement"
Last week I attended an event by @klimatriksdagen on #energytransition - it was interesting and educational!
My key takeaways:
1: #windpower has decreased in price by 63% since 2009. #nuclear power, has increased in price by 49%!
2: Politics should remove fossil fuel #subsidies and invest in #energyefficiency !
3: Phase out #plastics from waste to reduce district heating #emissions
4: Secure a #sustainable #energy supply. Invest in #pumpedhydro & promote local #energycommunities
#mankind, how much #madness do you think you can afford?
Why #BigOil is the greatest state sponsored (!) #energy #mafia this planet has ever seen: per year #bigoil makes 1 to 2 TRILLION revenue AFTER tax, that is 3 to 6 billion of income after tax PER DAY, PLUS of 1.3 TRILLION #STATE #SUBSIDIES! mostly for #dividends to shareholders (#banks) WHILE cutting #jobs (
) or saving the planet - or a sustainable future for mankind #wtf #climate #climatechange #bank #banks #finance #investment
None of the current #CCS prototypes actually works and takes out more #CarbonDioxide #CO2 than it uses in #emissions to remove it. That's the problem. Which is why it is counter-productive now, and even if it does improve, in future will be a very expensive way to reduce emissions. But lots of big #FossilFuel companies get massive #subsidies from us tax payers to do it.
£22bn for 'unproven' green tech could raise bills, MPs warn
Public funding for planetary destruction: Fossil fuel subsidies: G7 nations ignore targets and increase taxpayer funding to record levels #fossilfuels #G7 #subsidies